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: -피카소의 臨終言-:

First Communion, 1895-96, oil on canvas, Museo
: Picasso, Barcelona. 103KB

Self Portrait, 1899-1900, charcoal on paper, Museo
: Picasso, Barcelona. 181KB

Self Portrait: Yo Picasso, 1901, oil on canvas, private
: collection. 117KB

La Vie (Life), 1903, oil on canvas, Cleveland Museum of
: Art. 119KB

The Tragedy, 1903, oil on wood, National Gallery of Art,
: Washington D.C. 99KB

Woman with a Crow, 1904, charcoal, pastel, and
: watercolor on paper, Toledo Museum of Art. 126KB

Tumblers (Mother and Son), 1905, gouache on canvas,
: Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart. 155KB
Family of Saltimbanques, 1905, National Gallery of
: Art, Washington D.C. 158KB

La Toilette, 1906, oil on canvas, Albright Knox Art
: Gallery, Buffalo, NY. 109KB

Self Portrait, 1907, oil on canvas, National Gallery,
: Prague. 158KB

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907, Giraudon, Paris.
: 161KB

Guitar, 1913, charcoal, pencil, ink, and pasted paper.
: 126KB

The Lovers, 1923, National Gallery of Art, Washington
: D.C. 131KB

The Pipes of Pan, 1923, oil on canvas, Musee Picasso,
: Paris. 118KB

Paul as Harlequin, 1924, oil on canvas, Musee Picasso,
: Paris. 139KB

Studio with Plaster Head, 1925, oil on
: canvas. 165KB

Woman with a Flower, 1932, oil on canvas,
: Galerie Beyeler, Basle. 98KB

Nude Woman in a Red Armchair, 1932, Tate
: Gallery, London. 78KB

The Dream, 1932, oil on canvas, private
: collection, New York. 88KB

Interior with a Girl Drawing, 1935, oil on
: canvas. 151KB

Portrait of Dora Maar, 1937, oil on canvas,
: Musee Picasso, Paris. 139KB

Weeping Woman, 1937, Tate Gallery, London.
: 150KB
Gernica, detail, 1937, oil on canvas, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid 149KB

Girl with a Boat (Maya Picasso), 1938, oil on
: canvas, Rosengart Collection, Lucerne. 143KB

Jacqueline in the Studio, 1956, oil on
: canvas, City of Lucerne. 125KB

Bust of a Woman with a Hat, 1962, colored linocut, private collection. 123KB
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